Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Low in numbers but high in achievement!

 It was unfortunate that, having already had to cancel the post-Christmas work day in January because of illnesses, etc, it proved difficult to muster a good compliment of volunteers for our February event. The original date was postponed because of the inability to get a quorem but then ironically even less volunteers were available for the revised date last Monday, 7 February! However, what we lacked in numbers we made up for with the amount we achieved in an extended session.

The February workday was once again centred around the corridor at Rowsley sidings. Marion from Groundwork was keen, as ever to get essential chopping back done before we are precluded from doing such work by the nesting birds. The session was focussed on a southern section of Rte 680 near the Peak Rail station that we haven't worked on for a couple of years. 

It was also an important session as we had the possibility of being joined by the new regional Sustrans Operations Manager, Jos Winter who is based in Matlock as well as two of the DCC officers who look after trails and cycleways across the county. In the end Jos was unable to join us on the day and only Carol PArsons from DCC could come along to see the work we have been doing in this area. she was very complimentary of our efforts and is going to look further at our suggestion of making picnic areas along the route corridor through the woods. she also updated us on the position ref the boardwalk section. The entire length is due to be replaced imminently with a structure that is more robust and fit for purpose than the existing one. Unfortunately she hasn't found one that can self clear itself of leaves and so that will remain an annual task!

Brian and myself were the only members of our Ranger group who were able to make it to the workday, but we were joined by Chris Allen who leads the Chesterfield Ranger group and who wanted to come and see the sort of activities we are involved with. His enthusiasm matches that of our own David S in terms of wanting to take on the clearing of trees that Marion though beyond our capability. Chris has a lot of experience of working within Sustrans and alongside ranger groups in DCC. He will be a valuable contact for us in the future and he is very keen to work with us. 

Once again we had a fabulos day and the trail was very busy with walkers, cyclists and joggers. Marion managed to recruit another volunteer to help maintain the section and so we look forward to meeting her next time we are on site, in the Autumn. 

I think we just about complete all the work that Marion had hoped to do on the day, including the trimming back of a particularly wild willow tree. 

Next work day will be Friday 4 March when I think we should visit a more central location. Details to follow later unless anyone has more specific thoughts on an area where specific works are required.

Happy cycling!

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