Monday, 12 July 2021

Early morning maintenance work -NCR680

 The section of NCR 680 from the waste disposal site at Darley  Dale to station yard in Rowsley is one where we have invested a considerable amount of time and energy over the last 3 years. Under  the direction of Marion Farrell of Groundwork we have developed an important wildlife and environmental corridor. I cycle along this section regularly and most recently last Friday afternoon on my way from Matlock to Bakewell. It is a route that is very popular with cyclists, joggers and walkers. 

As I travelled along the section I was amazed at just how overgrown the verges have become and, despite our aggressive cutting back earlier in the year there are still branches overhanging the trail itself. Of even more concern was a large fallen branch lying completely across the trail

As you can see, a path has been created to get around the obstruction but nonetheless it seemed to me that the branch needed clearing as soon as possible to maintain the integrity of the trail. I do not know whether the Council has been notified about the obstruction, or not and, even if they have then how long it would take to get it cleared. The track around the obstruction suggests it had been there for some time. 

Early on saturday morning I co-opted my wife into the ranks of being a Sustrans volunteer and we set off to clear the branch. After 3/4 of an hour we had done all that we could do safely. 

As you can see, none of the fallen branch was left overhanging the trail, (truncated just above where Jenny is standing), but there is still quite a lot stretching back to the tree trunk, which will need felling in due course. I have advised the Council accordingly. The trail is now once again fully open for all traffic.

I have also notified Marion about the state of the trail verges and the need to get them mowed. 

She has already responded to say that she will initiate some response, which is great news. 

Thankfully it is not very often that we need to respond in this way to incidents on any of the trails we look after and mostly 1 work day a month enables us to deal with any problems. I know that David and Catherine have responded similarly to matters arising in the Hartington/ Manifold area and that others have done similarly elsewhere. It is what we do as our contribution to maintaining the National Cycle network. 

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