Wednesday 12 October 2016

Thank you everybody!

As most of you will know, I have been away quite a lot recently and I have only got round to passing on the contents of this post card which arrived earlier this summer, from Dan and everyone in the Sustrans Nottingham office, saying a huge thank you to our White Peak group for "everything that [we] do to support our mission". Dan adds "You have a huge patch and are doing a great job!" This year has been the busiest yet since I took over in 2013 and it's nice to know that our efforts are so much appreciated. Since we did some signing very recently (see relevant post) on a new section of the NCN, we have increased our patch even further! (which reminds me that I need to update our map and distances some time) and with Himalayan Balsam pulling and bulb planting we have branched out into new horticultural activities! So could I also pass on my thanks to the group for making all this happen. Thank you! By the way, watch out for news on bulb planting ...

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