Monday, 18 April 2016

First public ride of the season a total success!

We had an excellent turn-out at our first public ride of the season, in the Manifold Valley. Starting at Hulme End, we rode over the Manifold Valley Trail and a few other, minor roads as far as Beeston Tor. Although a bit chilly, the sun shone almost continuously and kept us warm. Clyde gave a few geological explanations at various points along the route and we had a stop for refreshments at the Wetton Mill tearooms. Everybody had an enjoyable day out! Pictures: (1) Robin in the car park at Hulme End explaining where we are going; (2) waiting for folk to catch up: (3) on the gated road alongside the River Manifold; (4) the view from the cave at Nan Tor above the tearooms (Thor's Cave in the distance). To see a video of a part of the ride (thank you, Les!) click here.
Next public ride is on 3 July 2016, on the Monsal Trail. Details to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to Clyde, Robin and the team for a good and interesting ride in one of my favourite places (and for arranging fine weather)
