Monday, 25 April 2016

April workday cancelled

Hi folks. 
For a variety of reasons, I have decided to cancel the workday on Thursday 28 April. Next workday will be 26 May 2016, in the Hope Valley. More details later. 
We have been asked to do something rather different in the autumn (date not known yet). You will recall that in 2014-2015 a short, tarmacked multi-user path was constructed alongside the A6, from the Derwent Way roundabout to opposite Arc Leisure in Matlock. Bulbs originally put in by 'Matlock in Bloom' volunteers were apparently dug up but not replaced. As a consequence, it seems that right now there are flowers blooming in the verges alongside the A6 into Darley Dale, but not on the Matlock side of the Darley Dale sign, which has created a rather ugly gap. Our mission, should we choose to accept it (and I've said Yes!), is to put bulbs in this autumn. I hope you all agree that this is a worthwhile job for us.

Monday, 18 April 2016

First public ride of the season a total success!

We had an excellent turn-out at our first public ride of the season, in the Manifold Valley. Starting at Hulme End, we rode over the Manifold Valley Trail and a few other, minor roads as far as Beeston Tor. Although a bit chilly, the sun shone almost continuously and kept us warm. Clyde gave a few geological explanations at various points along the route and we had a stop for refreshments at the Wetton Mill tearooms. Everybody had an enjoyable day out! Pictures: (1) Robin in the car park at Hulme End explaining where we are going; (2) waiting for folk to catch up: (3) on the gated road alongside the River Manifold; (4) the view from the cave at Nan Tor above the tearooms (Thor's Cave in the distance). To see a video of a part of the ride (thank you, Les!) click here.
Next public ride is on 3 July 2016, on the Monsal Trail. Details to follow.

Monday, 11 April 2016

First public ride of 2016 - Manifold Valley Trail Sunday 17 April

A reminder that our first led ride for the public will be next Sunday, 17 April 2016. Participants and marshals will meet at the Hulme End car park (postcode: SK17 0EZ; GR: SK103593) at 10:45 for a prompt start at 11:00 on the Manifold Valley Trail. This is a ride for families, and some geological, mining and railway facts will be explained along the way. The ride will be leisurely and over traffic-free cycle paths or minor roads, and the route is mainly flat. There will be a refreshments stop at Wetton Mill tearooms or bring a picnic! We expect to finish around 15:00. 

Pictures from the last workday

We had a good turnout - six of us in total. The new alignment of Route 68 between Earl Sterndale and Harpur Hill has recently been signed by DCC with "WPL 68" signage (that's the White Peak Loop). But we felt the need to supplement these signs, especially when two of our group rode straight past one of the council's signs, while chatting! The new route is the multi-user path built only a few weeks ago over Staker Hill. We were unable to finish the job as, at present, the connection of this MUP with Harpur Hill Road is not complete.