Saturday, 10 October 2015

Work-morning dates fixed into 2016

After carrying out a survey of people's preferences, it seems that the most popular day for our regular work-mornings is Thursday. I propose therefore the last Thursday in every month, which gives the following dates.
For 2015: 26 Nov, 31 Dec; for 2016: 28 Jan, 25 Feb, 31 Mar, 28 Apr, 26 May, 30 Jun, 28 Jul, 25 Aug, 29 Sep, 27 Oct, 24 Nov, 29 Dec. We should use these dates for signing and other work, social rides (for our group - not the public) and for various training sessions, such as ride leader training. 
Generally expect that a work morning will last from 10:00 to 13:00, although these might change in function of a long ride to the venue or a long job! It may also be the case that from time to time we will have to cancel a workday, if for example the weather is bad or we simply having nothing planned! Remember, we now have twelve sessions in the year, which is already more than we have had per year over the last two years! 
Could you look out for problems of signage or other matters in your immediate area (or elsewhere on our patch) and let me know what you think needs sorting, please. The main signing jobs have been done now, so look out for torn, worn, missing or vandalized patches; also places where "this way to" or route numbers in brackets would be an improvement. Also, consider this: signage may be very good once you are on a route, but what if you are not? How do you get onto it? Where are the signs which tell you which way to go? Lastly, think about where we could put up destination patches. These can be ordered from Bristol, but more of that later.
Note that rides for the public, a programme of which we are still trying to get off the ground for 2016, will not fall within these dates, but are likely to be on Sundays, or maybe in the evenings. 

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