Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Jim Hudson

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Jim passed away last Friday, the day of his eightieth birthday.  
Jim was a stalwart member of our White Peak Group. He tackled problems tenaciously and always with meticulous attention to detail. He was always well-organized and his contributions were welcome. On top of all this, he was a thoroughly nice bloke! His presence will be greatly missed. 
Jim first contacted me in connection with a multi-user path in Ashbourne about two years ago: a recalcitrant developer was dragging his heels over building this path and Jim wanted to know what Sustrans knew about this, particularly as it would provide a safer alignment of Route 68 than that which follows the busy A515. Following a discussion about this, I persuaded Jim to join our ranger group, and he subsequently sold his idea to our regional officers. He and I did a couple of signing jobs together on Route 68 between Ashbourne and Etwall, and he also attended most of the group’s other workdays and rides, having planned at least one of the latter earlier this year. He also organized successful meetings and workdays with his fellow rangers in the Ashbourne area. 
Jim was great company on a week-long ride in north-east England in the spring of this year. The last time I saw Jim was during the Tour of Britain event at Matlock less than two weeks ago, an event into which he had put a lot of effort. 
Jim's family have given us the following funeral arrangements: 
2.40 pm on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at the Crematorium in Derby. No black to be worn and no flowers please. There will be a collection for the Air Ambulance - as Jim had the benefit of their service when he had a cycling accident.

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