Thursday, 30 April 2015

NCN 68 post repair

Some of the wooden posts installed by DCC 15 years ago for the opening of the Pennine Cycleway are beginning to rot.
The worst one was so bad it totally dintegrated:

Unfortunately although this was reported to DCC almost a year ago, it hasn't been replaced.
So when another was seen starting to go, it seemed best to make some kind of repair ourselves.

It seems that the route sign metal plate traps enough water behind it to allow dry rot to develop & spread.
Luckily in this case there still was enough sound wood left to fix a piece of board over the hole.

The metal plate was then re-fitted.

This is bound to be a temporary repair; there still is dry rot fungus behind the board; also the board was just ordinary thick ply and not guaranteed to be weatherproof. So how long this will last is uncertain; but at least there is a sign there at this important turning point in the route.

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