I mentioned recently that I had been contacted by Rose Clarke at Parsley Hay about a couple of jobs that we can help with. The details are as follows.
(1) A waymarker post near Tissington ford (GR 199 521) needs straightening up. Picture of the post below, before it got knocked over. Could a couple of you go out there and have a look at it, please? You will need to see if the wooden post is damaged before talking to Rose about methods and tools required (these can be borrowed from Peak Park). A replacement post can be ordered if necessary. Please let me know if you are free to do this in the near future. You can contact Rose directly by this email address: Rose.Clarke@peakdistrict.gov.uk (but email me or leave a comment here to keep me up to speed!)
(2) The other job concerns Himalayan Balsam along the Manifold Track. Rose has sent some information, which I copy below.
Rangers, riverkeepers and landowners have been working to try and eradicate/stop further spread of HB in the Dove catchment which includes the Hamps and Manifold Rivers and tributaries. We have been making good progress by working from the source areas of the rivers where it is present travelling downstream to try and stop seeds spreading on the water. Outlying areas, often where the seed or plant has been brought in on farm or other vehicles or from moving soil and earth we have been working with landowners to a) make them aware of the problem, b) encourage them to survey and destroy any plants found and c) helping with contractors or volunteers to pull/strim the plants to prevent further spread and eradicate.
In essence much of the stretches of the Manifold from Hulme End right out beyond the National Park boundary (and confluence with the River Dove is invaded with HB. Some sections where the river is near to the Manifold Track (NCR 549) the plant seeds are likely to be picked up on people, bikes, horses and animals and spread to new areas accidently. We would like to gather a few SUSTRANS volunteers to patrol the track throughout the growing season to a) identify where the plant is growing which it closest to the track and poses a threat of spread and b) pull these plants and destroy them before they go to seed. Please let Clyde know if you are interested in helping us combat this alien species that is threatening our native wildlife. No experience necessary, just need thick gloves, sometimes wellies and some time to check the route on approx about once a month maybe between May and October.
I am going to be away over the next few weeks, but will be back in June. I would be happy to willing to lead a patrol then. Could someone check the route this month, please? I can organize something for July and September; maybe someone could look after August? Rose is willing to give us some training at Dale Bridge on Mon 12, Sun 18 or Mon 19 May. Will anyone be free then? - please email me or leave a comment here. Thanks. Clyde
PS Another job to mention, but probably best in a new post!
Tissington ford 547 post seen Friday 9th and condition reported to Clyde & Rose.
ReplyDeleteMay not be simple as it appears to be set in a block of concrete which has also tilted.