Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I'll be coming up the Manifold trail to Waterhouses tomorrow (17 Oct) so if I'm not there by 1 pm then set off without me and I'll meet you on route.

1 comment:

  1. OK, Paul. We'll see you further up the trail maybe. There should be about 6 of us tomorrow, I think. BTW, I couldn't remember to what extent the MVT had been signed, so I took a little trip to Waterhouses and Hulme End by car (I apologise straight away for this!) recently. Generally, there is very little signing at all at present. We need some at Waterhouses car park and cycle hire, where the trail crosses the A523 and at other access points along the way. Also at Hulme End station, and current 54s need covering with 549s all the way to Hartington and beyond. I would like to get at least to Hartington tomorrow. We continue the next day!
