Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Shared space junction at Poynton

Last Thursday I was driving from Manchester to Matlock, and I passed by chance through Poynton in Cheshire. Someone had told me about a new junction there a few months back. Going through it the other day saved me the trouble of making a special trip there (which I had intended to do one day). It's an example of a shared space junction, something that Sustrans often talks about - like their 'DIY streets', for example, but this is a major intersection. Traffic lights have been banished. Nobody has right of way and the whole system works by drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and other road-users negotiating with each other. Maintaining eye contact with others is essential. I found the junction very easy to use, and everybody was being very courteous to each other! I found this video comparing Poynton before and after.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Clyde, i've just had a peek at the new road scheme video of Poynton, it's looks like a great success. Thanks for putting the link on your blog... Bob
