Thursday, 4 April 2013

New signage on our trails

Paul Smith, Ruth and Paul Watson, Maldwyn Johnson and I met at the bottom of Hopton Incline yesterday to start the re-signing of Route 54A, which extends to the Tissington Trail at Tissington Station (see post 13 Feb 2013). We ran out of the new 547 patches just before Bradbourne and I estimate that we need about 20 to finish the job. Also, at Tissington Station we will need to put some extra Sustrans standard signage up to show the various routes which go from there. Paul S, Maldwyn and I then set off up the Tissington Trail, which sounds easier than it was! Our journey consisted of stretches of clear, but often water-logged path punctuated by snow drifts, some still quite deep, which we either rode through with difficulty or just simply pushed. On top of this, a north-easterly wind which I had hardly noticed in the morning had become rather strong. Eventually, we arrived at Biggin and signed the bit of the trail which is on road with the new 548 patches, including the junction with the Tissington Trail. I was very pleased to have met 3 more members of our volunteer group: from our first two outings, it seems we can count on at least 8 rangers - that's good by any standard! Thanks to everyone who took part. Please look out for an announcement on this blog for next Wednesday's venue, which will depend on weather and other factors. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Clyde,

    My name is Bob and I’m a volunteer with the Lichfield Sustrans Rangers

    Your group certainly are a hard working lot going out in all that snow and you’re doing a brilliant job of re-signing the routes.

    A few of our group cycled up the Manifold Trail last week. I guess you'll be signing this one too in the future as I didn’t see many signs there last week. I saw one old local sign at the Waterhouses end (and went the wrong way drrrr) and another metal NCN54 sign at Hulme End.

    Talking of NCN54, I’m confused as to why NCN54 goes in a loop from Derby and back again. I'd have thought the loop would have been a spur no i.e. NCN549. Actually the mapping site says the loop is NCN549 between Hilton and Uttoxeter but NCN54 after that, weird?

    I don’t know if you have a plan of your re-signing work i.e. the numbering before and after etc. If you do have a plan I’d be really interested in taking a look at it as this would help me understand the routes up there. The old mapping didn’t make it that clear of the numbering in the White Peaks and the new Google one even less so I think.

    Keep up the good work and if you need any help let me know as one or two of us would be happy to come and help you out one of the days.

    Regards... Bob Cooper (my contact details are on susnet)
