Thursday, 14 December 2023

We wish you a Merry Christmas.....

To complete our work day activities for 2023 we resorted to the now traditional task of clearing the boardwalk in Rowsley (NCN 680) of the fallen leaves. I could have used photos from any of the past few years as the nature of the task does require it being done every year and the pictures don't change much. 😊😂

A very happy band of Sustrans Volunteers (David, Catherine, David, Clyde, Maldwyn and myself) combined with some of the Darley Dale Community Volunteer group to scrape the leaves off the boardwalk and cut back the brambles, which seem to love  to try and get to the middle of the track. Marion from Groundwork oversaw operations, but her usual offering of chocolate biscuits at coffee time was snubbed by most, in favour of Catherine's wonderful chocolate Tiffin. 

As always we had plenty of users of the trail stop to thank us for our efforts, but perhaps a majority who wanted to make us aware of all the broken planks. Thankfully we were able to tell them with confidence that Derbyshire County Council have that matter in hand and have ordered replacements, which will be fitted early in the New Year. 

With the boards looking very clean (the storms of the following night have meant they are now covered again, this time by fallen broken twigs!!) we adjourned to the Flying Childers in Stanton in Peak for our festive lunch. Gone are the days when work day lunches consisted of a picnic and thermos. The Childers proved a very popular choice and refreshed by beer and pasties we headed back down the hill to look at problems with the drainage channels on the alternative route bridleway at the top of Church Lane, Rowsley. 

I had met with the DCC Engineer afew weeks previously and he had told me precisely what we could do to try and stop the deterioration to the track surface, which is being caused by water damage. More permanent measures will be required in due course, but for the time being the work we have done should help. We have never done any work like this before, but I thought we did a remarkably good job, despite the heavy rain that was by then falling. 

Thanks to Davids (x3) and Catherine for their show of excavating skills. 

Time and clemency of conditions meant we didn't have chance to complete the tasks for this work day. However, in between showers over the weekend, I cycled along NCN 680 into Matlock and addressed the issue raised by DCC Trails officers about the adequacy of signage into, and out of the station. I think I have gone for over kill with it now, but at least there shoudn't be any legitimate complaints from those coming to the Peak District using rail links about how to get there via NCN 680. 

I have circulated a list of dates for our 2024 workdays, please do let me know what you would like to do on them. 

With best wishes to everyone for Christmas and hoping that 2024 brings you everything you were hoping for. Take care, stay safe.