Tuesday, 9 November 2021

A double dose work day - Rowsley sidings


Once again we were so lucky with the weather for our autumn day of maintenance in the special environmental corridor we are developing at Rowsley sidings (Route 680). David, Catherine, David (S) and Brian teamed up with Marion Farell of Groundwork, primarily to rake up the grass and brambles that were cut down by DCC ranger last week, 1.5 metres either side of the track. It is important apparently that the vegetation is left a week so that everything in it can disperse properly, before it is cleared away and give the new growth under it a chance to flourish next Spring

Our task was to rake up the cut vegetation and create piles approx 10 metres apart, which the DCC ranger will then come and cart away. We had planned on it taking us all day but, in our normal efficient way we soon got on top of the job and had it finished by lunch time!

One or two trees and large branches had fallen close to the side of the trail since we were last here but yet again we were able to saw them into manageable lengths and move them back into the undergrowth where they will provide food and shelter for wildlife and the eco-systems. David was the "star" of the day in that he bought with him his battery powered hedge trimmer, which was just perfect for dealing with the many brambles that the mower had not managed to cut fully. Marion now wants one and we had difficulty prising her away from it!

Refuelling time - Marion knows how to look after us and we loved having Bounty Bars with our coffee. 

Such was the effectiveness of the morning work we decided there was still enough time in the day to clear the boardwalk of its leaves. After a very pleasant lunch break in the strong sunshine we trooped off to attack the carpet of leaves that make the boardwalk such a potential danger for cyclists. In contrast to the first year we cleared the leaves, when they were frosted onto the planks, yesterday's effort was a doddle. Crisp, dry leaves can be swept away very quickly and the whole job was completed in less than an hour!

Well done everyone; two really good jobs done in a single day. Next work day for your diaries is Friday 3 December when we hope to do a signage check of Rte 68 south of Ashbourne, and enjoy festive mince pies at the Buddhist retreat.