the inclement weather a useful day was had - cleaning old signs, replacing
manky ones and removing foliage where needed.
After meeting up with David
Sharpe and new recruit Naomi Mcfadyen we (David and Catherine) set off from Minninglow car park on
route 54 towards Wirksworth. We noted the temporary bridge at Longcliffe was
very satisfactory. Some work was needed at the junction of the 54 and 547 where
a sign needed turning, having presumably been knocked by a lorry. We didn’t have
any 547 signs with us so were unable to replace some that are needed but we
will order some more asap and return to finish the job.
Two drowned rats but no
cyclists were spotted on the road at Carsington. A nasty tack was found in
Naomi’s back tyre, which was mended with panache in the ‘doubly thankful’
village of Bradbourne.
We had a downpour as we cycled back up the hill from Parwich to Minninglow but it failed to dampen our spirits.