Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Yes, more signing!

Meet Monday 3 February 2014, on Route 68, the High Peak Trail, at the junction with Route 549 - 600 metres south of Sparklow (I make that GR 130 653). Time 10:00. Parking is possible (but not brilliant) on the road below the HPT; or better, at the Royal Oak, Sparklow (if you buy a drink later!) or at the Parsley Hay visitors center (2.5 km away, and paying). The plan will be to ride Route 549 to Hartington and Hulme End, signing as we go! This represents the very last section of renumbering which has to be done, but we need also to improve on some of the signing we have done during 2013, and have a look at some of the established trails in our area, some of which have very little Sustrans signage. Following on from that, over this coming year we could add some customized 'fine-tuned' signage (eg "Station 1/2 mile" or "Shops 300 yd"). 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Greater Peak District Cycle Strategy

I received this email recently from Emily Fox of the Peak District National Park Authority:

"As you may be aware, we are currently developing a cycle strategy for the Greater Peak District. As a key organisation or person who has been involved in its development to date, or an organisation we are keen to hear the views of, I am emailing to let you know that next month we will be consulting on the draft strategy. The consultation will start on the 17th February and last for 5 weeks.  As we would really like to hear your views, we are letting you know these dates early so you can plan for this in your work plans."

The Greater Peak District is the National Park and surrounding urban areas, such as Sheffield, Manchester, Stoke, Derby and Nottingham.

I'm sure that many of you will have some thoughts on this.