As the pictures below confirm, our April work day was a pleasure to undertake as we were cycling in the White Peak with glorious sunshine and lovely blue skies. Route 548 runs from Hartington to an intersection with Route 54 on the High Peak trail, close to Minninglow hill fort. Significant sections are on gravel surface but should be reasonably safe for most riders to cope with. The views out across the White Peak area are unforgettable and breath taking along this route.
The iconic view of Minninglow hill fort in the distance. It is accessible from NCR 54 by means of a concessionary footpath. Something I really must do one day as I have never been up it. 

The roughest section of track but nonetheless our cross-section of bikes all coped with it very adequately. Clyde on his new Brompton survived, although I think it was a bit touch and go on the steepest of the sections. The signage along the route has been in place for many years now and so we had to replace quite a lot of it. Certainly more than I had expected would be necessary
We also took the opportunity to put a number of new signs into place, both on NCR548 and the High Peak Trail (NCR 54). I think we can all feel very pleased and proud of what we have achieved today. This part of the National Cycle Network is certainly of a higher "signed" quality after our work day today. All the more so because Clyde (who else) found a stash of (54) and (548) stickers that enabled us to link NCRs 54 and 548 with each other using additional green ways. Well done Clyde - we really have missed you.
Many thanks to all who contributed - David & Catherine, Clyde, Maldwyn, Tom and our newest recruit David S (Sharpe)