Sunday, 27 December 2015

Next workday/social ride

The last workday of the year will be, as determined by our new schedule, Thursday 31 December 2015. Meet at Hulme End car park at the usual time of 10:00. The plan will be to ride Route 549 to where it joins the High Peak Trail (NCR68) at Sparklow. We can check the signage as we go. A little further north is the Royal Oak pub, which offers some very good local ales. After drinking the old year out (!), we will continue on the HPT to Parsley Hay, where we will finish (I'll carry on, on the HPT towards home). 
Weather is predicted to be sunny with a temperature of 7 C and a moderate wind from the SW. Pretty good for the time of year! See you all there! 

Saturday, 19 December 2015

A merry Christmas to all our members and all our readers!

As we come once again to the end of another year of rangering for Sustrans, I would like to thank you all for the hard work you have put in. As in previous years, most of our efforts this year have been expended in signing our trails, something about which we need to be always vigilant in order to provide clear directions to the public, as well as being a constant reminder that these routes form part of a much bigger network. It is expected that new stretches of multi-user path, at Staker Hill near Buxton and between Matlock and Rowsley will be added to the network in the near future and that these too will require our attention. 2015 has seen the organizing of a programme of led rides for the public which we hope will come to fruition in the new year; a number of our members have been trained as ride leaders by Sustrans. We have welcomed this year a new Volunteer Project Officer, Dan Robertson, with whom we have met a number of times. Dan is very energetic and pro-active, and we all look forward to working with him in 2016. I hope you all have a well deserved break from rangering this Xmas holiday, and I look forward to seeing you all at the next 'workday' on Thursday 31 December, which - weather allowing - will probably consist of a ride and a visit to a pub. (BTW, I'm always looking for a snowy cycling picture when it comes to Xmas! This one was taken in the Grin Low car park early in 2013, under the auspices of the Erewash Valley Sustrans Rangers and before I officially took over this group from Jeremy. But I'm running out of such pictures - maybe it will snow a week next Thursday!) 

Friday, 27 November 2015

Workday on the Tissington Trail

Robin and I checked the signage, and renewed where necessary, on the Tissington Trail yesterday. Making our way from Ashbourne to Parsley Hay, we found no other problems on the trail. This was our first workday on the new schedule of last Thursday in the month. At the same time, David and Catherine did their Level 2 Ride Leader training in Nottingham. We now have seven accredited ride leaders for public rides. The next workday will be Thursday 31 December, New Year's Eve. I think maybe a pub is called for...

Monday, 23 November 2015

Sustrans takes a prize in the European Greenways Awards 2015

The European Greenways Awards were announced last month, and Sustrans has taken second prize in the Exemplary Initiatives category for its Greener Greenways project. Click here for a link to an article on the Sustrans website, and here for the European Greenways Association website. The prizes are awarded every two years. This year's ceremony was held in Namur, Belgium. 

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Amusing video from 1951

Click here to see "Pram Car" on Pathe News. I wonder what the cost of this was back then (in relative terms). Maybe that's the reason it never caught on!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Work-morning dates fixed into 2016

After carrying out a survey of people's preferences, it seems that the most popular day for our regular work-mornings is Thursday. I propose therefore the last Thursday in every month, which gives the following dates.
For 2015: 26 Nov, 31 Dec; for 2016: 28 Jan, 25 Feb, 31 Mar, 28 Apr, 26 May, 30 Jun, 28 Jul, 25 Aug, 29 Sep, 27 Oct, 24 Nov, 29 Dec. We should use these dates for signing and other work, social rides (for our group - not the public) and for various training sessions, such as ride leader training. 
Generally expect that a work morning will last from 10:00 to 13:00, although these might change in function of a long ride to the venue or a long job! It may also be the case that from time to time we will have to cancel a workday, if for example the weather is bad or we simply having nothing planned! Remember, we now have twelve sessions in the year, which is already more than we have had per year over the last two years! 
Could you look out for problems of signage or other matters in your immediate area (or elsewhere on our patch) and let me know what you think needs sorting, please. The main signing jobs have been done now, so look out for torn, worn, missing or vandalized patches; also places where "this way to" or route numbers in brackets would be an improvement. Also, consider this: signage may be very good once you are on a route, but what if you are not? How do you get onto it? Where are the signs which tell you which way to go? Lastly, think about where we could put up destination patches. These can be ordered from Bristol, but more of that later.
Note that rides for the public, a programme of which we are still trying to get off the ground for 2016, will not fall within these dates, but are likely to be on Sundays, or maybe in the evenings. 

White Peak Loop: an update

It seems that the A6 bridge will not be built in the near future, out of the Department of Transport money which was awarded to the Pedal Peak Phase II project in 2013. However, work on the sections of proposed trail from Matlock to Rowsley has already begun. I had a look today at the footpath between Church Lane, Darley Dale, and the Peal Rail car park at Rowsley South station, and took a few photos. The surface of this path is in a variety of states of redevelopment at the moment, as you can see. We have been told that work on the whole stretch should be finished by March 2016. After that, we can think about signing it! (National Route 680)

Route 680)

Thursday, 8 October 2015


As a celebration of 20 years of the National Cycle Network, there will be a ride for families starting at Carsington Water at 11 am till about 3 pm, led by our group. There will be a lunch break at a suitable venue. The ride will include at least one of our local traffic-free trails in the Peak District, as well as some quiet roads, and will take in some breathtaking Derbyshire scenery. Meet at 10:45 am for a prompt start at 11:00 outside the Carsington Water Visitor Center and finish back at Carsington around 15:00 or earlier. Please come along and give it your support!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Jim Hudson

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Jim passed away last Friday, the day of his eightieth birthday.  
Jim was a stalwart member of our White Peak Group. He tackled problems tenaciously and always with meticulous attention to detail. He was always well-organized and his contributions were welcome. On top of all this, he was a thoroughly nice bloke! His presence will be greatly missed. 
Jim first contacted me in connection with a multi-user path in Ashbourne about two years ago: a recalcitrant developer was dragging his heels over building this path and Jim wanted to know what Sustrans knew about this, particularly as it would provide a safer alignment of Route 68 than that which follows the busy A515. Following a discussion about this, I persuaded Jim to join our ranger group, and he subsequently sold his idea to our regional officers. He and I did a couple of signing jobs together on Route 68 between Ashbourne and Etwall, and he also attended most of the group’s other workdays and rides, having planned at least one of the latter earlier this year. He also organized successful meetings and workdays with his fellow rangers in the Ashbourne area. 
Jim was great company on a week-long ride in north-east England in the spring of this year. The last time I saw Jim was during the Tour of Britain event at Matlock less than two weeks ago, an event into which he had put a lot of effort. 
Jim's family have given us the following funeral arrangements: 
2.40 pm on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at the Crematorium in Derby. No black to be worn and no flowers please. There will be a collection for the Air Ambulance - as Jim had the benefit of their service when he had a cycling accident.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Tour of Britain

A few pictures of the TOB going through Matlock

A few

Monday, 14 September 2015

Recording our activities

Hello everyone! Do you all record the activities that you take part in? Let me confess straight away that I have been rather tardy about this myself, but I've just started doing it as it is important to Sustrans. I quote here from the VolNet:
"Recording your activities will help us to improve the support we give you, promote the amazing things all our volunteers do, report back to our funders and seek new funding opportunities. Your volunteer co-ordinator or staff supervisor will view and collate your activity reports." 
Put everything down that you do for Sustrans - workdays (strictly, you should exclude time going to and from the workplace), meetings, events, public rides (but only include our own social rides if they include an element of work on our routes). You will need to log into your Volunteer Net account. Click here to go to there now. Next, go to "record your activity" and add the details. You will find it is very straightforward. You may find that some of your activities have already been logged by me or someone else, since we have to mention rangers that we worked with, so you may have very little extra to put in.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Tour of Britain event, Matlock

Last Friday, on a beautiful sunny day, our group staffed a stand in Hall Leys Park, Matlock, as part of a Tour of Britain celebration organized by Derbyshire Dales District Council. As well as our own members, we were aided by rangers from as far afield as Lichfield and Grantham. Dan Robertson kindly brought a gazebo and the Spin Art bicycle seen in the pictures below, which attracted many members of the public throughout this highly successful day. The Tour came through town shortly before 2 o'clock and was watched by large crowds.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Two important events in September, celebrating the NCN

On Friday 11 September 2015, the White Peak Rangers will be staffing a stand in Hall Leys Park, Matlock, coinciding with the arrival of the Tour of Britain race in the town, and promoting Sustrans, our ranger group and the National Cycle Network, which was 20 years old this year. This is Stage 6 of the ToB, from Stoke on Trent to Nottingham. Come along and give your support. Times 10:00 till 18:00. Please give your availability to Clyde by email, or as a comment below. 

On Saturday 12 September, from 11:00, there will be a ride for the public from Carsington Water, lasting about 2 - 3 hours, with a stop at a suitable venue for lunch and/or a drink. This will be the first of a programme of rides, carrying on into next year. Please give it your support. 

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Pedal Peak II update

Hi all

Back in March (, I mentioned the need to write letters of support for the various phases of the White Peak Loop as they appear on the DCC planning website, before they go to the planning committee. These supporting letters were forthcoming, and eventually numbered over a hundred! In consequence (I would argue), for the section from Matlock to Rowsley, all 3 phases that have been submitted out of 4 have been approved, subject to conditions. However, don’t think that everything else will follow in the wake of these successes. The fourth of these phases, Phase 2: Station Rd, Darley Dale to Church Rd, Churchtown has recently been submitted, and just to demonstrate what can happen when you take your eye off the ball, there were three letters of representation on the website when I last looked – and all three were against the proposals!

So once again, I would ask you to put pen to paper – or finger to keyboard – and please give your support to the latest application, which can be found at:

Following on from this stretch of the White Peak Loop between Matlock and Rowsley, there will be further applications: Phases 5 and 6, linking Rowsley with Coombs Rd, Bakewell, and including the A6 bridge and the Haddon Tunnels - so watch this space! Don't forget - it ain't over till it's over!

Thank you.


PS If you don't already receive the Pedal Peak II newsletters, which arrive by email, click here and, on the website, click where it says "Sign up to receive the latest Pedal Peak news direct to your email inbox.” (top right)

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Can the UK ever be like Utrecht?

If you have been following the reporting of Tour de France by ITV4 you may have seen the piece last week by Chris Boardman on cycling in the Netherlands. If not then take 5 minutes to view the ITV video: [being ITV there is a 30 second advert at the start before the serious message]
Even if you did see it the first time it is worth watching again and reflecting on how we could bring about similar changes here. While present policies are most unlikely to transform any of the cities or towns in Derbyshire into anything like Utrecht, just imagine how much more pleasant life would be if we achieved even a small advance towards that standard.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

NCN 68 Ashbourne to Etwall – workday & ride

On Tuesday 30th June starting at 10 am, the three Ashbourne rangers will be sorting out some specific signage problems where the route goes off-road at Highfield Road; post code: DE6 1DX and Grid Ref: SK176458 At 11 am or when the above work is completed, (whichever is the sooner), we will follow the 68 south towards its junction with NCN 54 near Etwall. As we ride we will be checking signs along the way, especially to make sure they are not obscured by vegetation. Please comment below this post if you are likely to join either the initial work or the subsequent ride (or want more information).

Saturday, 16 May 2015

NCN 68 at Longford

There no longer is a diversion from the signed route at Longford.
Sepycoe Lane is now fully open & complete with a new stretch of tarmac over the re-built culvert.
As you pass that way take a moment to look at the new building there – it is Sir Robert Coke’s Almshouses. Originally built in 1688 elsewhere and which fell into ruins; now replaced by a modern version which is the only social housing available within the village.

Friday, 8 May 2015

New content on the blog

This is a basic message to test whether or not the new feature of Follow by email is working OK
Have you seen these skulls on the route of NCN 68?

End of test message

Thursday, 30 April 2015

NCN 68 post repair

Some of the wooden posts installed by DCC 15 years ago for the opening of the Pennine Cycleway are beginning to rot.
The worst one was so bad it totally dintegrated:

Unfortunately although this was reported to DCC almost a year ago, it hasn't been replaced.
So when another was seen starting to go, it seemed best to make some kind of repair ourselves.

It seems that the route sign metal plate traps enough water behind it to allow dry rot to develop & spread.
Luckily in this case there still was enough sound wood left to fix a piece of board over the hole.

The metal plate was then re-fitted.

This is bound to be a temporary repair; there still is dry rot fungus behind the board; also the board was just ordinary thick ply and not guaranteed to be weatherproof. So how long this will last is uncertain; but at least there is a sign there at this important turning point in the route.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Ride leader training

Last Friday (17 April), Ian Keetley gave some of our group some ride leader training on the High Peak Trail. Paul Taylor, David Gray, Robin and Maldwyn took part in the training, which was held at the Derbyshire Eco-Center near Wirksworth, a great venue right next door to the Trail. The Center provided very good food for lunch and other refreshments. Ian gave the group excellent advice on leading rides and our intrepid four will now be qualified to lead official Sustrans rides in the Peak, hopefully starting soon. Thank you, Ian! (Sorry, I forgot to take any pictures!)  

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Our celebration of the National Cycle Network

The National Cycle Network is 20 years old this year! On the Longest Day (21 June) 2000, as a new ranger, I had the pleasure of leading a group from Derby to Lichfield on the new Route 54. This was just one part of a celebration of the opening of the first 5000 miles of the Network, and similar rides were taking place all the country. How it has grown in 15 years! Now there are nearly three times that distance, and one-half of the UK's population lives within one mile of the Network. Yesterday, we played our part in celebrating this 20th anniversary of the National Cycle Network by riding 22 miles over four different routes: 68, 548, 54 and 547. Starting at Tissington car park, we rode up the Tissington Trail to Biggin 'crossroads', took Route 548 to where it joins the High Peak Trail (NCR54) at Minninglow, continued on the HPT to Hopton Bottom, and then Route 547 to Carsington, where we had refreshments; a mixture of trail, road and bridleway. I left at that point, but the rest of the group continued back to Tissington. The weather stayed fine, we had some stunning views, saw a bit of snow from a few days ago, found time to do a small amount of signing and were in great company! We also welcomed established ranger, Robin, as a new member of the group. Thanks to everyone for coming along and to Jim for suggesting this interesting and varied route. I'm anticipating more rides this year to celebrate the NCN's 20 years! Pic shows (from L2R) Jim, Catherine, David, Robin and Paul W behind the granite Kugel Stone at Carsington Water visitors' center.     

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

NCN 68 Closures

The normal route of the 68 between Ashbourne and Derby is closed in two places:
 1. At Longford – Sepycoe Lane is closed to all traffic; the Derbyshire County Council website states this closure can be until 7th May. Northbound instead of turning left into the Lane continue on through the village on Main Street (past the school) then turn left onto Long Lane to re-join the usual route after 0.25 miles. Southbound do not turn right where the Sustrans sign indicates but continue along Long Lane for another 0.25 miles then turn right onto Main Street, continue on through the village to re-join the usual route where Sepycoe Lane comes in from the right.
 2. A long length of the Mickleover Greenway approaching Derby after the NCN 54 has joined near Etwall. This is from Heage Lane bridge all the way to Mickleover station. Work has been delayed; dates are now expected to be Monday 20th April to Friday 15th May. Derby City Council have promised to sign a diversion. This will be on-road via Heage Lane, Radbourne Lane and Station Road and will add 1 mile to the route.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Update on Pedal Peak 2 project

It would be easy to forget that our support is needed for every step of the way when it comes to the planning applications for various sections of the White Peak Trail. The whole stretch from Matlock to Rowsley is divided into 4 phases. Phase 1 is from Matlock to Old Road, Darley Dale. The planning application for this is to be heard next Monday, 9 March. The planning application for Phase 2, Old Rd to Church Rd, has not been submitted yet. Phase 3 is Church Rd to Harrisons Way, the application is in, and some of you have already made comments in favour of the project. Phase 4, Harrisons Way to Rowsley, has only just been submitted and there are very few comments in favour. Please do not imagine this is a done deal! There is still opposition to this whole project, as can be seen from some of the negative comments online. If you have not commented on Phases 3 and 4, please find time to do so now. The planning applications can be found through these links:

Thank you.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Stafford to Newport Greenway

I went along yesterday to the social ride organized by Dave Powell of the Stafford Rangers, to celebrate the final linking of Stafford to Newport. Including some that we picked up along the way, the final turn-out was good at ten or a dozen or so, with rangers from 6 or 7 different Midlands groups. Dave led us along the greenway, an old railway track bed, running from Stafford to Newport, now part of NCN Route 55 and also Staffordshire County Council's "Way for the Millennium". It is generally in reasonable condition at the Stafford end although, not surprisingly for this time of year, there are a few places which are a bit muddy, particularly in the cuttings. Towards the other end, however, the excellent resurfacing of about two miles has been carried out by Staffordshire CC at the cost of £300,000, after much campaigning by the local rangers; and Shropshire CC has also done its bit to continue the greenway into Newport. Paul Boston, another Stafford ranger, joined us at Gnosall and pointed out a number of features along the route. Pictures show: original group at Stafford; Paul with trailer leads the group under a railway bridge; new resurfaced stretch; Paul giving some explanations. Thanks, Dave, for a very enjoyable day!
I returned to Stafford, and then Dave set me on the right trail for Stoke-on-Trent (Route 5). I got lost a couple of times - but then, that's just me! A good route: some railway path, some minor road, some shared pavement, a lot of canal towpath. The canal route from Stone to Stoke, which has also been resurfaced not that long ago, makes for a very attractive ride.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Arc Leisure to Matlock town center multi-user path

Claire O'Reilly, Project Manager of Pedal Peak Phase II, recently told us that a small amount of extra DfT money had been found and would be used to create a multi-user path alongside the west side of the A6, from a point opposite Arc Leisure towards Matlock town center, as far as the Derwent Way roundabout. This path will enable residents of the housing estates on the NW side of town to access the new path coming from Bakewell to Matlock. It will also provide a valuable link to Arc for potential cycling activities which might be based there in the future. The work on this new path has been going on now for about 4 weeks and is already well advanced. Most of its length has been tarmacked, and it remains to be seen how exactly this stretch will progress at either end, although by 2 March the digging out of the path had reached the opposite side of the road to Arc. I will keep updating this post. These pictures, taken on 22 April, show the finished path. It's about 600m long, very nice, and I use it to go into town, to Sainsbury's or to the station.


Sunday, 22 February 2015

Our social ride 27 March 2015

At last, I hear you say! There will be a ride on Fri 27 March. Venue is the car park at Tissington on the Tissington Trail (NCR68/547). Meet at 10:00. This will be a circular route, making use of some of our less well known trails. Let's a have big turnout for our first ride of the year! I look forward to meeting our two new members and some of you whom I haven't seen for some time.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Social ride in Staffordshire next Saturday

We have been invited by the Stafford Rangers to a social ride from Stafford to Newport in Staffordshire, next Saturday (28 Feb). This will be over a new greenway part of NCR55. Details are in this link:

Let's support our neighbouring ranger groups!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Action needed to protect NCN 54 & 68 from A38 changes

      The Highways Agency has been given £220 million for 3 roundabout schemes in Derby on the A38: Kingsway, Markeaton & Little Eaton. The plans involve underpasses for the first two and a flyover at Little Eaton. There will be significant changes to the roundabouts and to nearby access roads.
      At Kingsway a new access road (called option K1) to the Mackworth estate via Greenwich Drive South appears to cut straight across NCN 54/68 about 280 yards after the cycle route has turned off Greenwich Drive South onto the greenway.
In addition the revised access routes are likely to greatly increase traffic flows (“including possible use by heavy vehicle” to quote the Highways Agency) on both Greenwich Drive South and Brackendale Avenue/Lyttelton Street. NCN 54/68 runs ON ROAD on these to pass under the existing A38 after coming down the cul-de-sac off Raleigh Street. The routes have to cross the traffic flow whichever direction you are cycling.
       Derby’s orbital cycle route – Regional route 66 - shares the same alignment as 54/68 at Kingsway and then continues on to pass the existing Markeaton roundabout on its way towards the University. The Highways Agency plans show no special provision for the 66 to safely cross the A52 Ashbourne Road which with the new arrangements may experience higher speeds & traffic flows. The existing toucan crossing of the A38 which is a local route for both cyclists and pedestrians into Markeaton Park seems to have gone.
       Currently at Little Eaton cyclists on NCN 54 are off road and then have a toucan to cross the A38; safe if not particularly convenient. In the new arrangements the A38 will be on a flyover and Alfreton Road will pass under it. The Highways Agency state “Existing footways and cycleways retained and diverted around the roundabout.” But how good that will be depends upon the detail; there will be extra slip roads to cross; will the cycleway be completely segregated as now?
      The main exhibition was on 6th and 7th February but if you missed that then the following are alternatives
The Highways Agency will attend the following two local exhibition meetings being organised by Breadsall and Little Eaton Parish Councils:
- Breadsall Memorial Hall, Brookside Road on Thursday, 26th February 16:00 - 20:00
- Little Eaton Village Hall, St Peter’s Park, Vicarage Lane on Monday, 2nd March 15:30 - 19:30
    All the documentation and a 3D visualisation are available at

Closing date for submissions to the consultation is Friday 13th March

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Social ride with the Erewash Valley Rangers

Here is some news from the Erewash Valley Rangers Group. There will be a social ride on the borders of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, which will include some historical sites and good views, on Thurs 12 March 2015. For more details, go to:

Friday, 23 January 2015

You can make a difference; no time to lose. Email your MP now!

We heard the following good news from Roger Geffen at the Park Bikeworks meeting last night: 

“After months of lobbying by CTC and coalition partners, the Government now looks set to enshrine in law a Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. Over 5,000 CTC supporters wrote to their MPs to demand that the strategy be included as an amendment to the Infrastructure Bill to be debated in Parliament on 26 January. A huge ‘thank you’ to every one of you who has supported the campaign, but we can’t rest on our laurels just yet: please continue writing to your MP encouraging them to vote in favour of the amendment on Monday.” 

So click on the link which takes you to an easy semi-automatic way to send an email of support for the measure to your own MP.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Your chance to meet the CTC national Campaigns and Policy Director

          CTC, Derby Cycle Group and CycleDerby have got together to organise a fabulous free event for you to attend.
CTC's Campaigns and Policy Director, Roger Geffen will be speaking at the event. Roger has the challenge of persuading the UK's politicians, the media and the wider public of the need for action to improve cycling conditions, while positively encouraging more people to cycle. He will be discussing topics which include; the national Space4Cycling campaigning, recent changes in CTC and Cyclenation joint campaigning and how we can collectively persuade Councillors and MPs to create policies to enable more cycling for everyone, with your help and support.

Roger Geffen will be speaking at the ParkBikeworks in Derby at 6pm on Thursday 22nd January. To hear Roger speak and to have the opportunity to raise your questions, make sure that you come along.

All are welcome and the event is jointly organised by Derby Cycle Group and CycleDerby. No reservation needed. The bicycle parking facilities at Park Bikeworks should be available for the evening and the cafe is due to be open for purchase of food and drinks. See you there.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Pedal Peak II - Moving Up a Gear

Happy New Year, everybody! I trust you all had an enjoyable festive season. 

2015 promises to be the year when we start to see various developments taking shape in our area, under the "Pedal Peak Phase II" project. Just to remind you, there are four separate schemes, as well as a number of grants to be awarded for cycle-friendly projects, all detailed in the DCC circular below,. Within our immediate rangering area will be the Hope Valley Link and the White Peak Loop. Click on the links in the article to obtain more information. The results of the public consultation on the WPL make interesting reading, and two planning applications have been made for sections of the Bakewell to Matlock route (although neither includes the most 'sexy' bits: the Haddon tunnels and the A6 bridge). However, it seems that a new piece of path is to run from Arc Leisure into Matlock town center (which will be very handy for me!) and work on this is to start this month!

Pedal Peak ll – Moving up a Gear Newsletter December 2014

General Pedal Peak Project Headlines:

Peak Cycling Routes

Little Don Link 

Phase 1 linking Dunford Bridge with Penistone is nearly complete with the surfacing of the former Woodhead railway line. Phase 2 is underway to upgrade the surface of the route linking Upper Don Trail to Langsett Gateway. Phase 3 beyond Langsett is in the design stage and will involve making use of a long disused railway bridge under the A616. For more on the Little Don Link: contact project

Staffordshire Moorlands Link 

5.5km of towpath improvements have been completed along the Caldon Canal between A53 Stockton Brook and Hazelhurst Locks nr Denford. The Department for Transport has just released an additional grant of £1.5m to allow Staffordshire County Council to complete the remaining 6.6km of towpath improvements through to Cheddleton and Leek. For more on the Staffordshire Moorlands Link:

Hope Valley Link 

Phase 1 completed - 2.5km new route built between Hathersage and Bamford. Sustrans have been carrying out a local consultation on options for Phase ll between Bamford and Hope and the results should be available soon. For more on the Hope Valley Link:

White Peak Loop 

The results of the public consultation for the extension of the Monsal Trail between Bakewell and Matlock are available on the County Council’s website. Two planning applications have now been submitted to the County Council for Phase l between Matlock and Old Road, Darley Dale (referenceCD3/1214/119) and Phase 3 between Church Road, Churchtown and Harrison Way, Northwood (reference CD3/1214/122) with further applications due to follow soon.  A consultation to build a short shared cycle/pedestrian route on the A6 near the Arc Leisure Centre, Matlock to provide a valuable additional link into the White Peak Loop for Matlock residents is complete and the scheme is planned for delivery starting at the end of January. For more on the White Peak

Clyde's note: given that it is quite likely that there will be some opposition to this project, your support is always needed. Click on each of the two phases above (ending in 119 and 122) and then click "Comment on this application". Use copy and paste if your comments for both phases are essentially the same!

Cycle Friendly Places Grant 

11 grants have been awarded so far to the value of £61,000 to support projects to benefit cycling provision to the value of £192,000 with a further 20 enquiries being dealt with.  Most enquirers are looking for safe locking places and support for helping ‘cyclists welcome’ scheme i.e. having locks and tools available for them to use free of charge.  Interest has come from café owners, Post Offices, pubs, outdoor centres, B&Bs as well as the local Cheddleton Railway. For more on the Cycle Friendly Places Grant or to make an enquiry go to: