Saturday, 25 October 2014

Road section of Route 68 near Hurdlow signed for first time ever!

At the top end of the High Peak Trail, between Sparklow and Wheeldon Trees, there is a road alternative to Route 68, which had never been signed, although always appearing on the Sustrans online mapping as part of the network. Now it's had the treatment! Here are some pictures of our successful workday last Thursday, when we had a brilliant turnout - well done, folks! (1) At Sparklow car park, L2R: David, Maldwyn, Catherine, Ian (in red), our Regional Liaison Officer, Bob (from the Lichfield Rangers), Jim & Paul (2) the group at work near Dowlow (3) not a very sharp pic of the two alternatives: straight on by road, or left by bridleway and High Peak Trail (4) a deserved pint in the Royal Oak, Sparklow (5) Ditto with rare cameo appearance by myself! And on my way home (6) and (7) - the HPT has got wider! This section, recently widened and resurfaced, is near Friden brick works. Excellent!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Ride to Castleton

Last Thursday, Andrew, David and Catherine and I met at Grindleford Village Shop (see earlier post), where we had an excellent cup of filter coffee before slogging up the long hill to the Fox House, and then on to Ringinglow. Heavy showers, followed by heavy rain was the weather that had been forecast, but in fact the gods of cycling were smiling on us, for we encountered just one light shower of any significance during the whole ride, with mostly cloudy conditions and some blue sky on occasions! Andrew led us from there along Route 6 up and down some seriously undulating roads and tracks through the beautiful Dark Peak scenery, to Ladybower Reservoir, where the route goes over the dam. We replaced a few signs on the way (see pics). At Ladybower itself, signs put up by the Sheffield rangers have been systematically removed by Severn Trent because the water company does not want to give rights of way to walkers or cyclists over its property (there's a sign there to this effect) and so we decided not to do any work there yet. We continued on to Hope, where we had something to eat in the friendly Woodbine Café. Now in the Hope Valley, you might have thought that the route had become flat - think again! Another 2 miles of undulations took us past the cement works and on to Castleton, where Route 6 fizzles out at the moment, although it should go to Manchester. We returned by the main road to Hathersage, which really is flat, and with the wind behind us - as with all well planned rides! By this time, I was suffering from cramps in both legs, as I hadn't cycled for some weeks, and so I bade the others farewell, as they pedalled the comparatively short distance back to Grindleford. I considered my options (which were many) and eventually decided to also go to Grindleford from where, after a phone call, I scrounged a lift back home with my long-suffering wife! I had intended to follow Route 6 back to Sheffield, but that will have to wait! Thanks to Andrew for an excellent ride in the Peak, and to everyone for risking the weather! 

East Midlands Regional Conference 2014

I'm sure you've all had the email from Ian Keetley, but here's a reminder. This conference will be on Saturday 22 November 2014, from 10:30 to 16:30, at Cleeves Hall, Castle Gate, Nottingham. NG1 7AS. Lunch will be provided and expenses may be claimed. Sustrans staff will talk about projects they have planned in the East Midlands area and nationally, and also about the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the National Cycle Network next year. There will opportunities to ask questions, as well as workshops that we can take part in. Should be good! Please let Ian Keetley know if you are coming, on 0115 853 29 48 or email